Went on an outing in Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi
I wasn't the only photog
Typical dates shop in Madinah
Kebab seller, wasn't too happy with me taking this pic
This guy actually called me back to have his picture taken
This guy was also happy to have his pic taken
This is how they unload bags on buses
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Assalamualikum, Selamat kembali ke tanah air dgn mendapat haji yang mabrur... AMIN! Thank you for sharing the pics. I really enjoyed them as it brought back good memories of my haj trip two years ago. That time I didn't have a blog but I did write about my haj trip same time last year.
The pictures in Madinah are so familiar.. the Darussalam Holdings Officer, the guys in the shop. the kebab man..hahahaaa.. Met them all.
thanks again and please continue sharing your pics. jazakallah.
It is great to see what people are doing and how they live their lives, especially if it is different from our own, the pics are great and as I lay in my garden hammock reading this and writing a reply I wish I could be there to experience it for myself.
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