Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Street lamps

13.0sec at f/14 ISO 400
I wanted to try some night shots but didn't want to go out. So I shot this from my balcony. A car happened to pass by. Had it on a 10sec timer which explains he partial headlights trail. It was ISO400, forgot to check as usual.


airbiscuit said...

Nice. I'm yet to go out again at night to do some night shooting. But July is not far away...so FIREWORKS! wuuu!!

jIM said...

bah! we can make it an outing lah one of these nites. mesti bawa tripod tu yo.! zul...i've added you to my links list.

airbiscuit said...

I'm in pulang if ada night shooting but it would be nice if esuknya cuti so can shoot till late.

Sehat said...

Yeah, we must go night shooting. Maybe once now when there's nothing on in bandar and another time when there's lots of cucul.

Am a bit apprehensive going out at night alone with thousand dollars worth of equipment

jIM said...

i've done it a few times and it was fine. they're more curious than anything else. we shud make it happen one of these days.

Sehat said...

Maybe we should have JC in the evening and go shooting after that heheh

shai 3belas said...

im going for my routine night outing on 31st May malam jumat. thinking of taking shots at the lake at Terunjing, near the terunjing kubur but more deep inside, as well as road infrastructure around jerudong.

as always pukul 3am lah. whatsayyouse?